About us
Mighty Kids started as an idea to modernize the preschool landscape. In 2018 Sonia & Dustin Graves started an in-person center with a focus on STEM. They brought STEM learning to a new level through Augmented Reality Playdough, smart play balls, Oculus headsets to explore the lessons with virtual field trips, and robot bugs to teach the kids early programming patterns to name a few. These new programs along with a traditional focus on social and emotional development and kindergarten readiness are what made us special. We were recognized as a Microsoft School.
At the beginning of 2020, we were unable to operate in our preschool building as a result of COVID-19 restrictions. We agonized over virtualizing the program because we didn’t want to lose the social-emotional aspect and set kids in front of screens all day. We sat down and thought “what would preschool look like if it were truly built for the digital age?” We developed a method to break down the stages of learning and the common state standards for kindergarten readiness. We wanted to give time to social-emotional development via Zoom and partner with parents for at-home learning. We filmed over 1000 videos leveled and tagged to coincide with the assessment engine. We wanted to give the parents tools that teachers spend years developing and provide an even further individualized learning experience not seen in the classroom before.
Mighty Kids Virtual Academy stands out from any other homeschool program currently offered. We evaluate each child individually not just by subject, but by 30 individual standards. No student receives the same curriculum on their learning path. Our video lessons are leveled and released to your child by those 30 standards. We don’t just level curriculum by large subjects such as Math, Writing, and Language but by between 5 and 14 individual standards within each of those subjects. No other program provides this.
This digital shift opened up the opportunity to offer our program to children all over the world. This has been such an amazing experience for us and for all of the students enrolled, giving them the opportunity to interact with children from every walk of life. Children get to share their family and culture with one another and bring social and emotional development to a whole new level.
We are very excited to grow this program and help shape the minds and hearts of the future.
Our initial comprehensive assessment will determine where your child is in all areas of kindergarten readiness including 14 standards in Math, 5 standards in Writing & Fine Motor, and 11 standards in Language and Literature. We also offer weekly video lessons in STEM, ART, and Social/Emotional.
The standards we use are research-based and pulled from the NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children), The Department of Health, as well as the well-known and respected curriculum Learning Without Tears.
Our curriculum is compiled by our team of Early Childhood Education experts with various college degrees in Early Childhood Education and many years of experience in the field. Students will reassess every semester to ensure that your child is getting the most out of their time here at Mighty Kids Virtual Academy.
“If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow”
—John Dewey